Saturday, 15 June 2013


Ok so as I mentioned in my previous post I have been feeling oddly inspired recently so I thought I'd take full advantage of that and knock out as many blog posts as possible!
Music plays a major part in helping me feel inspired and here are a few songs that have recently been helping to inspire me, in no particular order.

Sticky Fingers - Australia Street

Ok so here is an Australian band that started in Newtown, a suburb right next door to where I live so these are local boys. I absolutely love every one of their songs but I thought I'd limit it to just one of their songs and then if you guys like what you see then you can do some further research! Their music is absolutely beautiful and so so catchy. They are so talented and unique and definitely driven to pursue their passion.
The video is of Newtown, pretty much where I spend a lot of my spare time.

Vampire Weekend - Walcott

I'm sure many of you have heard of Vampire Weekend and so many of their songs are amazing but I have been listening to their older songs a lot recently. Also, Vampire Weekend are absolutely amazing live! If you ever get the opportunity you should go see them. They sound even more awe inspiring live than on CD/iTunes/whatever you use. This song has been on repeat a lot recently.

Skins - Wild World

Ok so one of my all time favourite TV shows is Skins, particularly Generation One. I think one of the all time best endings for a TV season was the end of Season One where they had some of the characters sing Wild World. I know this is an odd song to include in here as it isn't your typical song sung by an artist, with actors singing it instead, but I just love it, it's actually a really good version!

Grimes - Oblivion

I love Grimes. She is so wonderfully weird and wacky and just brilliant. I'm sure a few of you have heard of her before and for those of you who haven't you will soon be glad that now you have. Oblivion was one of the first songs of hers that I ever heard and it is so magical but I recently came across this version of hers which is amazing. It's a lot more raw and completely unedited. It will definitely take you to a completely different place.

Delta Spirit - Yamaha

If you're looking for something to take you to a mystic and divine plain where you feel as if you're dancing with whimsical and magical beings then this is the song to listen to. There is just something so ethereal and beautiful about this song that words just can't do justice so I advise you give it a listen.

Jeremih - F*ck You All The Time ft. Natasha Mosely

There is just something about this song I love - the whole beat and rhythm of it is just so easy to listen to. Although this song is different to the others I mentioned and the message behind the song is... somewhat questionable it's just such a good listen. Oh and before you start looking for an uncensored version, the censoring of the words is on purpose, it is an actual part of the song.

I think I might leave it there for now before I start getting carried away. Have a listen to them all and if you like what you hear feel free to let me know! One day I might compile another list of songs that I have been listening to. What songs have you guys been listening to?

1 comment:

  1. Hey :) thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, and for following me. I like your playlist...I knew some of it, but the Jeremih song was a discovery and I'd never heard that lana del rey song. I love Grimes, but I'd never seen a live version of Oblivion, and you're right, it is better!

    following you now <3

    Holly xoxo


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